“The Greatest Love of All” | Valentine’s Day Blog

Valentine's Day

Hi hi hi Females of Filadelphia loves! This blog comes at ya on a random Friday because today is Valentine’s Day. I, for one, have always had mixed opinions about this holiday. I’m partially a hopeless romantic who thinks it’s cute to send a handwritten letter to your lover, but I am also a realist/pessimist who thinks cheesy things are ~TOO MUCH~. However, today is not about my opinion on the “Day of Love”, it’s about reminding you of the most important love of all: yourself. *any similarities to one of Whitney Houston’s greatest hits is purely coincidence*

As corny as it sounds, loving yourself is so so important. It helps you seek the best foods; helps you want to workout more (for health reasons); helps you find the best friendships and relationships; and helps you lead an overall healthier and happier life. After all, you would never put someone you love through hardship, and if you truly learn to love yourself you’ll treat yourself with the respect you deserve.

My tips to self-love:
  • Adopt a mindset of gratefulness— I CANNOT stress this enough. When you learn to be grateful for your vision, you learn to love the way your eyes look. When you are grateful for how your hands can touch and feel and grab, you stop seeing them as too scrawny or too chubby.
  • Do something every week (or every day if you are ambitious) to show yourself how much you care. Even just cleaning off the makeup from your face can be an act of self love (by preventing your pores from clogging up).
  • Surround yourself with people that selflessly love you. These folks are the kind that check up on you, fight for you and not only love you, but help you love yourself. They are the type of people who don’t want to complete you, but rather want you to find a way to complete yourself. You’ll just know when you are with these people because you will feel at peace.
Your tips to self-love:

Though not many of you sent in your tips, I loved the ones that got sent in.

  • “Love yourself before loving someone else, even tho it’s hard.”
  • “Travel, have fun and always recognize your achievements.”
  • “Root for yourself even when you fail. Being my biggest supporter has helped me get through everything.”
  • “You are the best you there is so why wouldn’t you love yourself?”
  • “The best self love advice I have is to stop comparing your life to others.”

Thank youuu to everyone who sent in their advice, and I hope you can take something away from this blog. Regardless, go buy your significant other/mom/best friend/dog a Valentine’s Day treat, and don’t forget to buy one for yourself too 😉 
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @femalesoffiladelphia!


P.S. I only received one question about relationships (kind of) and my answer is this: the right person will make any situation you are in as a couple (long distance, next door neighbors, etc.) bearable and worth it. Trust me.