The Truth Behind 7k+ Followers with Britta

V: In the age of technology and social media, it may seem like we know a person really well, especially when it comes to people whose lives we follow on Instagram. But how well do the thousands of followers that follow Britta, really know her? Tell us a bit about your background, just who you are, where you grew up, etc.

BRITTA: Hi! I’m Britta- I am 20 years old, studying Media Studies and Production and am in LOVE with life. I grew up in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, a cute little suburb of Philadelphia. Coming to Philly was such a drastic change from my little suburban town, and my life hasn’t been the same since. I’m so happy I chose a city school, especially a school in Philadelphia, because I feel like there is a place for everyone here. I really allowed myself to grow into the person I am, and am excited to keep working on myself and my dreams.

V: Nothing better than Bucks County! So, I think many people on campus know you from your Instagram. Do you see yourself as a micro-influencer or a college influencer? 

BRITTA: I could see myself as a micro-influencer, sure. I am very active on Instagram, and often like to post brands or companies in my stories to share with my followers the best of each product. Also, being a brand ambassador for a few different companies also supports the micro-influencer title, because it is my job to spread that brand to my followers in order for them to purchase or support the company I am working for.

V: When did you get into social media, was it because of your major? When did you see your followers start to rise? Have you always been public?

BRITTA:  My major does have to do with social media in a way, not focused on it, but absolutely! I believe the media controls everything- what we say, think, do, wear, etc. I think learning how to utilize it in the most positive, authentic way possible will be so beneficial to the world and yourself as a person as you grow. I first got into social media in 7th grade when I made a Facebook account. Back then, Facebook was HUGE and I was extremely active on that. When I made my facebook, I didn’t want people knowing my last name for privacy reasons, so I used my middle name Grace as my last name. From then on, many people have known me as Britta Grace and some think it’s actually my last name! Hahaha once someone came into my house, shook my dad’s hand and said “Nice to meet you Mr. Grace!” and everyone who knew my real last name laughed. I don’t remember exactly when my followers started to rise, however, I believe it was somewhere between junior and senior year of high school and I didn’t know why! I have always been public, because I had nothing to hide and I liked reaching other people through the explore page. I love social media for the networking.

V: When did companies start reaching out to you? How did you know these were credible places to make deals with?

BRITTA: A few companies began reaching out very early on, and being young and naive, I would jump right into the opportunity without doing any research or anything, and sometimes would realize it was fake. Now that I’m older and have been using social media for years, I can tell when a company is serious because they reach me via Instagram dm’s and also email me. If they sign their name and don’t have their company name at the bottom of the email, I know it’s a scam right away. I really appreciate companies reaching out in order to spread their brand, and help me build my own, however, sometimes it’s a bit much.  

V:  On another note, what got you started with blogging/vlogging?

BRITTA: I think I just wanted an outlet to talk…I have so many things on my mind 24/7 and just want to share constantly. I wanted to share bits and pieces of my life because it’s relatable, and helps people! I haven’t been keeping up to date with my blog or vlog recently, but I am working on a few things and am SO excited to share them. Writing is an outlet for me, while vlogging and making videos is my creative outlet. Life’s too short to be like everybody else, and I want to live as loudly and as ME as possible, in order to encourage others to do the same.

V: What’s the future of your social media presence look like? In terms of blogging, vlogging, promotions on insta, modeling, etc.?

BRITTA: I think the future of my social media presence will be greater, as I continue to create content to help build my brand. I am going to set a schedule for blogging, because getting into a healthy habit is so rewarding, and I owe it to the people who are supporting me and there for me. I have received such positive feedback about my blog, and although I get really personal and deep on it often, I think it’s important to stay honest and authentic with your readers. I will continue to be as me as possible on my blog, YouTube channel, and Instagram. As for modeling, I model on the side for a few things here and there. I am not signed to an agency, it’s mostly just for fun and some extra cash. One thing I do often is just hand model for photos where the photographer needs someone holding a product of some sort. It’s fun and something I’ve never done before. More photographers have been reaching out about shooting together, and honestly it’s all about networking. Surrounding yourself with fellow creatives is so good for you and helps you grow in places you’ve never known. As my blog is under construction, one of it’s newest features is having my modeling portfolio on it, just for brands and companies to see all of the versatile things I’ve done!

V: Pros and cons of being on social media?

BRITTA:  I think one huge pro of social media is the networking aspect. I love meeting new people that have similar interests via social media because in regular day to day life, I probably would not have crossed paths with them! Anther pro of social media would definitely be the creative side to it. Not only does it act as a creative outlet, it also acts as a place for inspiration. I know that I personally use the Instagram explore page and Pinterest for inspo all the time! I think my favorite thing about social media is that you are able to be yourself. Your social media pages are your little corner of the internet and I think if you utilize this in the right way, great things will come from it.

I think the cons of social media come from abusing apps like Instagram; using social media to compare yourself to someone else is a huge problem in the technology world, and until the individual knows how to properly use their social media’s for positivity and expressing themselves, it can be a sticky situation. When I catch myself staring at other girls, and wishing I looked more like them, I put my phone down, and breathe, realizing everyone is their own kind of beautiful, and that the only person you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday. I use social media for spreading positivity, connecting with others, and expressing myself. I always strive to be better and better each and every day, and some days are harder than others, and that’s okay. Never stop trying to improve, and when you catch social media taking a negative toll on you, take a break. Social media breaks are very much needed, especially for clarity, grounding yourself, and practicing self love.

V: That is so true and self love is what I strive for with this blog. Fun question time: best part of getting a dog? Worst part of getting a dog?

BRITTA: The BEST part about getting a dog is how excited they are when you get home. The amount of excitement they have is UNBELIEVABLE. Training them is super fun too, but can be frustrating. Having your dog be your best friend and always spending time with them is super healthy for both you and your dog, and learning the responsibilities of taking care of them is a great life lesson! The worst part about getting a dog is how sad they get when you leave the house. It kills me every single time. When I’m older and living on my own and end up adopting a dog, I’ll never leave my house if it means my dog will stay happy forever 🙂

V: Awh I want a dog so much! Maybe one day I’ll have one. Regardless thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview, Britta. Make sure to follow her on social media @britta_grace and check out all her work. And stay tuned for the next interview 🙂