Paige’s Post-Grad Life

Paige Legal Assistant

Happy happy Monday Females of Filadelphia readers! Another day, another blog about “Post-Grad Life”! To learn more about this mini-series, check out my first post. Today, I get to spotlight an extremely hard-working, and intelligent Philly woman: Paige! 

About Paige

Paige graduated from Temple University in 2018 with a BA in Political Science and a Minor in History. She initially worked as a Political Science Research Assistant, a job she found through a university professor. Then she found her current job as an Immigration Legal Assistant at Landau, Hess, Simon & Choi. She found this job through a university professor, too!

One of her tips for finding a job is maintaining the university network of professors, mentors and alums. She also recommends keeping up with your university email, and the information that comes through the listservs with alumni access to the account (if you have that option at your university). It is also no surprise that Paige was able to land these incredible opportunities through the hard work she put in during her time at college. She interned with the government, and served as VP of Student Government, amongst many other responsibilities (WOWZA!!). 


When I asked her what her #1 advice for job/internship hunting students, she said: 

Don’t be afraid to ask your prior mentors for help, even if you think you’re too far removed from school or if you haven’t spoken to them in awhile. The worst they can say is no, and best case you snag a great job! My other advice would be to not be afraid to jump around different industries or types of jobs. Our generation gets a bad rep for not staying in jobs for a long time, but I think you can use that to your advantage! If a position isn’t working for you, it is possible to move on to a better fit without burning bridges.

This is incredibly HELPFUL because it’s super important advice, and also not given often enough. I always hesitate when reaching out to former mentors or professors, and why should I?? But also, don’t be afraid to go for the role or job you want even if you haven’t been at your current job “long enough”

Regardless, I really hope you all took valuable information from Paige because she gave such AMAZING advice, and she is truly passionate about what she does! Thank you so much, Paige, for letting me feature you, and for allowing me, and all the readers, to learn something from you.  

Stay tuned for another spotlight coming up, soon! As always, if there’s someone you want me to spotlight, make sure to DM me @femalesoffiladelphia or contact me through this page 🙂 

Xoxo V

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