Molly’s Post-Grad Life

Molly Weinberg's Post-Grad Life

Happy happy Sunday Females of Filadelphia readers! Another Sunday, another blog about “Post-Grad Life”! To learn more about this “mini-series”, check out my first post. Today, I get to spotlight a super hard-working, and inspirational Philly woman: Molly! 

About Molly

Molly graduated from Temple University in 2015 with a degree in Strategic Communications (let’s gooo Owls!). She creates content for small to medium sized businesses, and works as a Campus Director for Jewish Heritage Programs. She started  working at JHP in May of 2016, after being introduced to the role by one of her college friends (network!). Molly, also, has her own blog where she posts about everything from airline travel hacks to the best coffee shops in Philly. She started blogging about food and travel seriously in January of 2018, and has even gotten to collaborate with brands on social media. 

When asked what her #1 advice would be for those on the job hunt, she says:

Be yourself, be communicative, and show how you’re different from everyone else. If you’re interested in photography, send a portfolio. If you’re good at finance, show your spreadsheets. If you want to be a teacher, volunteer at a day-care. Also! Keep an open mind. I studied PR thinking I wanted to work at a huge agency in NYC, and now I’m working full-time at a small non-profit with college students all over the country. Definitely didn’t end up where I thought I would’ve, but I love it!

I LOVE this advice! Lots of people are getting degrees, but you need to find a way to differentiate yourself from the crowd. Also, don’t forget that people are switching jobs more often nowadays; your first job might not even be your last, so be open minded! 

Thank you so much Molly for giving us a glimpse into what you do, and the journey you took to get there. Molly is a perfect role model for someone who wants to work in social media, blogging or even in the non-profit sector. 

Want me to spotlight someone special?

Stay tuned for another spotlight coming up soon! As always, if there’s someone you want me to spotlight, make sure to DM me @femalesoffiladelphia or contact me through this page 🙂 

Xoxo V