How to Overcome Self-Doubt

College students question their intellect and ability on a daily basis. This blog post is geared towards helping you overcome self-doubt, while helping you highlight your strengths. I hope it will help many of you feel confident in a world that could make you feel like you are not good enough.


I am a perfectionist, and everything I do must be perfect. When I get a 98 instead of an 100, I feel as though I’ve just received second place. If I don’t get a job I applied for, I automatically assume it’s because there are people better than me, and I am falling behind. If I am not as skilled at task, I tend to not speak up because I don’t want to make a mistake. Maybe this is only the mindset of a perfectionist. But maybe, these are reoccurring thoughts of self-doubt that most college students experience due to the high levels of competition. But I am here to tell you that if you have ever felt any of these, you are not alone.

Understanding Your Strengths

Every person is good at something. Some people are amazing artists, and their drawings will be featured at the MET. Other people were meant to be speakers, and they’ll get a PR position at a global company. Others are amazing with technology and can code away into the night. However, I can promise you one thing- most people are not born with a talent they don’t have to practice. It is passion and determination that make people seem perfect. And if you dedicate even just one hour a day to something you’re passionate about, you could become a SME (subject matter expert). But in addition to that, you need to start understanding that you were not made to be perfect at everything you do. 

You need to understand what you are good at and what you are passionate about. A lot of times it is not about how many things you can do well, but how well you can do a few things, and how well you can learn to adapt. Because people that were really good at a job 20 years ago, could very possibly be unemployed at this moment.

Understanding Your Weaknesses

Sharpen the things you don’t think you’re good at whatever that may be. Don’t let your weaknesses become failures by giving up. Maybe you’ll never be the Larry Page of the tech industry or the Bobby Flay of the cuisine world, but at least you will know you tried, and you will have more skills than the person that gave up. Never ever give up. Also, remember that sometimes your thoughts of self-doubt aren’t even accurate- you may be better at something than you give yourself credit for. 

Determination Is Everything

You don’t have to be the best at everything. You don’t even have to be the best at a few things. But you need to be able to put in the time, to almost be the best at one thing and to understand where your flaws lie. If you still haven’t found that ONE thing you really love or are talented at, keep searching. Look at what you admire in other people, keep in mind what you want to do on your free time, dig into what you do even if you aren’t getting compensated for it. The answer is near. But remember Einstein always said: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

You Can Truly Do It All

Lastly remember: you are capable of achieving just about anything you set your mind to. Don’t let your thoughts of self-doubt get the best of you. However, how much work and time are you willing to put in? That dedication, as opposed to the talent or ability you were born with, will be what sets you apart.

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