How To Help Philadelphia While In Quarantine

A resource for ways you can help the Philadelphia area while still practicing ~physical distancing~

Donate PPE

Help Small Businesses

  • Check out this link to see a few Philly restaurants that are open, categorized by the type of food sold (American, Italian, seafood, etc.) 
  • Remember you can also donate to restaurants or buy gift cards

Donate to Nonprofit Orgs

Help Elderly or Immunocompromised Neighbors

  • If your health permits, ask your neighbors (safely) if they need help picking up groceries or medicine BUT make sure to take extra precautions

Stay In & Wash Your Hands

  • One of the best things you can do is stay home to help slow down the spread of Covid-19

*Not sponsored 

**If any of these require you to leave your house, make sure you take necessary precautions and consult your healthcare provider if needed.

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