About the Author

Hi! It’s me Valeria Lopez. You probably won’t hear much from me because honestly this website & project are not to highlight me. But since websites look better with posts, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to explain a little bit about myself. So, hi, haha it’s me. Okay. I’m awkward. I’m a college student in Philadelphia. I’m pretty short and honestly can be a bit reserved. One of the reasons I started this blog was because I am not a good listener and I figured having to interview people would help me develop that VERY important skill. Another reason I am starting this project is because in today’s epoch, we find ourselves so inundated by other people that we can’t help but compare our lives to them. Although Females of Filadelphia will be discussing the successful lives of many women, it is here to show girls around the world that they can appreciate and admire other people without being insecure themselves. Another person’s talent or beauty DOES NOT diminish your own. Every person was meant to sparkle in their own unique way.  Regardless that is all I have to say before this becomes too verbose. But just as a quick side note, every picture on my social media/website is taken and edited by me, unless otherwise noted. I am not a photographer or a journalist, yet here I am doing the job of those very two career paths; but recommendations are gladly accepted in the contact page.