Be unapologetically you

Hi there! I feel like I say that every time I start writing for this and it is starting to get old. So I’ll start with: hello darling. Hm. Maybe: welcome back! Okay I like that.

Welcome back! This is my first lifestyle blog and first I want to talk about why I’m writing lifestyle blogs because I was not originally going to do this. But then I had so much I wanted to say. And I know I’m only a college student, but if I am putting so much work into this, I might as well. Anyways, it’s decided. Also I feel like the more content I post, the better it is for all of you. But let me know if you don’t agree with that. Okay let’s get into the blog. Being unapologetically you. Sounds cheesy right? But I’m going to be super quick with my explanation.

In today’s day and age we are so busy trying to please other people- our families, our friends, our significant others, our social media connections, and so on. But the truth is we will never be happy if we aren’t the person we were meant to be. I mean think about it, are you happy living a lie? Most of the time when you are trying to please everyone, you are doing exactly that. And honestly, I spend a lot of my life trying to please people. Not only do I have to “sell” myself to companies and employers, but I am quite extroverted so I am always trying to make new friends and connections. It’s exhausting. And that is why I am doing this whole Females of Filadelphia thing. It’s kind of my outlet and I want to encourage everyone else to find their own outlet.  And if you ever feel unsure about why you are doing yourself, ask yourself, “If no one were around to influence me would I still be making this decision?”

Okay that’s all. Keep doing you because you are the best one at it!

xoxo V