Alyson’s Post-Grad Life

career in teaching

Helllooo Females of Filadelphia readers! Today is the start of my new “series” called “Post Grad Life”, which is intended to spotlight various Philly university alumni who are now full-time working adults! Adulting seems pretty scary from the perspective of a student, but I want to show all of you how many opportunities are out there regardless of major, interests or connections. Each person featured will come from a different background, and hold a different title. I want to show as many types of careers as possible! Today I am spotlighting one of my best friends, Alyson and her journey to becoming a teacher! 

About Alyson

Alyson graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education with a concentration in Special Education. This August, she started her new job as a 2nd Grade Teacher at Mullica Township Elementary School. When asked how she found her job, she says, “I did a lot of research on school districts within New Jersey. I applied for many different ones and hoped for the best. When I had my interview for the position I am currently in, I had three separate interviews: a general interview with the principal, a mock lesson, and a mock lesson”. Hard work and research goes a long way and Alyson is an example of that. 

She advises everyone to “do [their] research before applying”. Additionally she shares, “Don’t just put an application in, make sure you’re going to like where you’ll be working. Also, don’t give up. You may not get the first job you apply for, but you should stay hopeful and keep trying! Lastly, be confident. You know what your strengths and your abilities are better than anyone… show them!” If you want a job working as a teacher, this is a good way to know what to expect and how to prepare! Thanks Alyson for sharing your journey and I can’t wait to see all you will accomplish doing what you love! 

Stay tuned for the next post grad life spotlight. If you know someone who would be good for this spotlight series, feel free to send me a dm @femalesoffiladelphia or follow up on this blog’s contact page.