Toni’s Post-Grad Life

Toni and her professional journey

Happy happy Sunday Females of Filadelphia readers! Today is another day of my new “mini series” called “Post-Grad Life”! To read more about it, check out my first blog where I give more information about why I am doing it in the first place. Today I am spotlighting an extremely hard-working and inspiring woman, Toni! 

About Toni

Toni graduated in 2018 from Temple University with a B.A. in Advertising (go Klein!). She recently started a new job in Philly as a Digital Marketing Specialist at Clear Admit, working in higher education. I believe this is a very well-deserved position after working super hard in many industries; Toni has worked in everything from beauty to health to food! Additionally, when asked how she found her job, she says it was through LinkedIn! So to everyone who hasn’t made a LinkedIn yet, this is your sign. 

When asked what advice she has for people currently looking for a job, she says:

Don’t settle for something. It’s so hard to not just take the first job that is offered to you, but know that you are valuable and can provide so much to employers, too. YOU are interviewing THEM as well. Find somewhere that is a good fit on both ends and something you will truly enjoy doing. I wish I knew, when I first started the job hunt, to be patient and trust that the right job would come in time.

And I couldn’t agree with that whole quote more. Know your worth and figure out what you like. The right job will come along, but you should never settle or sacrifice your own happiness. 

Thank you so much Toni for sharing a little bit of your experience. If you are in the middle of looking for a job, I am positive this post can help motivate you, I know it has motivated me. 

A series about life after college. Describes how women in Philadelphia found their jobs.

Stay tuned for the next post grad life spotlight. If you know someone who would be good for this spotlight series, feel free to send me a dm @femalesoffiladelphia or follow up on this blog’s contact page