Getting Presidential with Francesca

It’s not 2020, but things are getting ~political~ in many universities across the country. It’s voting season! For those of you not aware about university elections, students across the U.S. run to be the student government elected officials. The student government is responsible for being a liaison between the student body and university administration. Today, I’m interviewing one of the most down-to-earth, funniest girls I know, Francesa! And . . . she just happens to be running for the presidential candidate of the campaign BecomingTU. Read more about her and her campaign in the interview below.

V: Tell me and the readers a bit about yourself, Francesca.

F: Hi, I’m Francesca Capozzi. I am a sophomore Political Science and English double major from Bucks County, PA. I am currently the Director of University Pride and Traditions for TSG [Temple Student Government], a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon, and this past summer I was an Owl Team Leader [orientation leader for incoming freshman and transfer students].

V: So I’m interviewing you due to the upcoming elections, tell us why you are running for TSG.

F: I am running for president of TSG to ensure that Temple becomes the best version of itself. I want to make sure each corner of our campus feels heard and supported. This is super important to not only me, but also my running mates, Laryssa and Kaya. By creating a stronger Temple, we are allowing for students to be empowered and feel uplifted.

V: How will your previously mentioned experiences help you in your role as president?
Francesca’s campaign

F: Through my time as an owl team leader and Director of University Pride and Traditions for this year’s TSG administration, I have been able to make so many connections and relationships with students, our administration, and our north Philadelphia community. Because of this, I have been able to hear the concerns and ideas of these different groups, thus giving me an immense amount of insight into how Temple can change for the better. I have also been able to see what is and is not feasible for TSG to get done, thus creating achievable, yet ambitious initiatives.

V: Okay, well I have to ask– why an all female ballot?

F: Having an all female ballot is something that no other TSG campaign has done. In light of everything happening within the political climate right now, we believed it was time to prove that women are strong leaders. We did this to show how inspiring, empowering, and impactful women can be within leadership position. As qualified and credible leaders, Kaya, Laryssa, and I are excited to finally give a voice to those who feel like they are not being represented well enough. We want to show that gender, race, any part of a person’s identity does not define someone as a leader. What defines a person as a leader is their abilities, their passions, their work ethic, their talents, and so much more!

V: My intention with this interview is also to inform possible voters of what they could be voting for. What do you plan to do as president? What is BecomingTU’s platform?
The women that make up BecomingTU’s all female ballot

F: BecomingTU has a very ambitious, yet feasible platform! As a campaign, we strive to foster a community that empowers individuals to be the best version of themselves. BecomingTU takes pride in encouraging students, administration, and our North Philadelphia community to Be Celebrated, Be Inclusive, and Be Transformed. We plan to build a stronger Temple community, through research and the creation of feasible initiatives.  Before we put any initiatives or ideas on our platform we thought to ourselves: “Can this be done? Is this feasible for TSG to do?” and the answer to those questions had to be yes every time. To us, BecomingTU means becoming one, becoming better, becoming the best Temple we can be.

V: College is not an easy part of life for all students. Can you explain the best and hardest parts of college for you?

F: The best part is being able to experience so many new things every day. College is an avenue for people to learn and grow in so many aspects! Opportunities are thrown people’s way all the time and being able to use these as a way to further yourself, is amazing! College is also like a test run for real life, so being able to use this time to mess up and learn from your mistakes is extremely valuable!

The hardest part, in my opinion, is that college campuses promote a sense of competition in so many aspects whether that be grades, internships, jobs, etc. This can cause so many students to be stressed and feel as though they constantly have to compare themselves to others. Many students shut down with this level of competition, thus worsening the issue. Students need to realize that nobody’s life is the same, and everyone progresses at their own pace! I think it is vital to focus on yourself, and continue to write your own, personal narrative.

V: Lastly, for a more fun question, what is something you wish you knew as a freshman and what is something you’re planning to do after senior year?

F: As a freshman, I wish someone would have told me: “EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY! Although things can be stressful, you will get through it! Take one day at a time and cherish every moment! Don’t let the little things set you back. Learn and grow from every single experience you encounter.” As for my future, although you never really know, I plan on going to law school and then working in immigration law.

V: Great advice, and I can’t wait to see you soar in the future! I am so happy you could talk more about your campaign, experiences and advice. I know people can learn a lot from this, and hopefully be educated when voting. ~Elections are THIS week on April 2 and 3!~ Feel free to follow Francesca’s journey @francesca_capozzi and her campaign @becomingtu on Instagram! See ya next time 🙂

If you’d like to do an interview for Females of Filadelphia please comment on the post or feel free to DM me!