Being Thankful Through Anything

As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to discuss the importance of learning to be thankful. It’s a skill that I think can truly change your life, and make you a happier person instantly. Most of the time, unhappiness and discontent arise when we feel empty, but if we can fill those voids with thankfulness for the things we have, we can change our lives. Below I’m going to share some things I think most people reading this blog can feel grateful for. I’m making a few ~assumptions~ here so feel free to change some of the categories for things you have in your life:

The opportunity to wake up in the morning

If you are reading this blog you can wake up in the morning and that is a blessing all on its own.

The opportunity to spend time with loved ones

Right now most of you are on vacation or starting your vacation for Thanksgiving, an opportunity that most people may never have.

The opportunity to seek an education if I want one

Although homework is stressful and grades don’t always make us feel good about our abilities, there are girls in third world countries that aren’t allowed to go to school or have to walk eight miles to reach their destination. School is something I love to complain about, but it truly is a privilege.

The opportunity to eat healthy if I choose to

Although sometimes we choose Ramen and Cheetos instead of healthy foods for our bodies, most of us have the opportunity to go vegan or become vegetarian- a luxury most in other countries can’t afford.

The opportunity to exercise

This one’s a bit funny because I hardly exercise, but if I want I can choose to exercise on my ~free~ time. Many people don’t even have free time to be to able to exercise. My school has four gyms, and healthy living is encouraged. This is not something everyone has, this is something few people get to enjoy.

The opportunity to do things I love

If I want to sing, I can sing. If I want to take a class at college about how food and culture are related, I can. This is a privilege many don’t have, so be thankful for it.  

The opportunity to have leisure time

Today I woke up at around 11am. Most people in less wealthy areas or societies can’t afford to sleep in or hang out with friends whenever they want.

The opportunity to progress

My parents came to this country with less than most and they worked hard so that I could make my dreams a reality (e.i. going to college). Because of this I can make a starting salary that is higher than they ever thought was possible. This opportunity to progress is nonexistent in many parts of the world.

The opportunity to change

If today I want to dress a certain way, and tomorrow I want to dress a different way, I can. I can afford to change my wardrobe, and I can afford to change my opinions. In other countries and even areas of this country, your opinion can’t change.

The opportunity to choose my path

I don’t have to be a doctor, or a lawyer or an engineer. I don’t have to be a mechanic or a plumber or an electrician. I can choose my major, my career, where I live, how I act, and what I do.

Be thankful because I’m sure most people reading this have a good amount of the privileges stated above. The minute you start thinking about what you have instead of what you don’t have, you become happier. The grass will always seem greener on the other side, but trust me when I say your grass is pretty green already- it’s a matter of perspective.

Xoxo, V