Women in STEM with Sophia Yoo

V: Welcome back to Females of Filadelphia! We have another lovely interview today. Hi, Sophia Yoo, so excited for my readers to learn more about you. So why don’t you give the readers a quick run down about yourself? What’s your major and a little background on yourself?

SOPHIA: Okay hi! My name is Sophia. I am a junior at Temple University. I’m studying electrical and computer engineering with a minor in music. A few small things that I would say define me, as a person, are that I was homeschooled my entire life. I think that structured me a lot, not only in my principles and beliefs, but also in my study habits and how I live my life. Another important thing in my life is that I have four siblings and that was pretty shaping to the person I am today. I love music, and I play multiple instruments which is why I added a music minor. I also really love math, which is how I ended up in engineering. Well technically I ended up as an engineer in a not very linear fashion because I started in biology- I wanted to be a doctor. But then I found out I really loved math and science more than bio, and I switched my major to math and then eventually engineering.

V: Oh wow, yeah I think it is important for people to realize that picking a major is not super simple and finding what you like is harder than it seems- everyone has a different path. But, Sophia, tell me about your experience as a woman in STEM, specifically engineering, I have no idea what that must be like.

SOPHIA: Okay so there are a lot of guys obviously. I mean for the most part I’ve had a lot of fun, but there have obviously been some stigmas. Oftentimes it isn’t that noticeable, but sometimes it is. I feel like the hardest part about being a woman in engineering is just that fundamentally I am very different from guys. So when we talk about math or science or classes, it’s okay but when it comes to other topics everything can get very awkward. Guys tend to talk about women in a certain way, and even though I don’t think they are trying to be intentionally mean or make me uncomfortable, it just makes everything awkward. I was actually talking to one of my female engineering friends and she agreed with me. Things can get awkward culturally because we are not the same. I mean it is totally fine because I still have a great experience overall. However, being a woman in engineering I think I’ve shocked people a lot because they think I’m just a little girl hanging out but when I bring results to the table, I’ve seen guys get surprised. And then some guys even come to me for help, even when they previously had an idea in their heads that I was ‘just a girl’.

V: Oh wow that’s intense. Why do you think women are typically not seen in engineering roles? What do you think makes engineering for men, from your perspective?

SOPHIA: I think it has something to do with girls thinking that guys are better at doing things. A lot of times, girls say “I’m not good at math” or “my brain isn’t made for that”. I think it’s about the culture we have been brought up in that if a girl sees a mess of wires or electronics, they automatically want a guy to handle it. Like even myself, when I was younger, would let my brother handle those situations. There’s this concept deeply rooted in our culture that if something is complicated, a woman should leave it alone. But then to make things worse, because of that cultural norm the field is very male dominated which makes it even more intimidating for girls to join. Again because we think guys should deal with the more complicated things. But we are definitely getting better. I was actually talking to one of the engineering advisors, and she said schools are getting more women in engineering but that it is still very slow, especially in electrical engineering.

V: Yeah I think it definitely has to do with cultural norms. I personally never knew female engineers when I was younger so being an engineer was nothing I even really thought about until I was older, and by then was convinced I would never be good at math. Well anyways, I’m interviewing you because I consider you a #girlboss, an inspiration, but who inspires you, who is your #girlboss inspo (whether they are a female or not)?

SOPHIA: I would say most recently, Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman. I think she is really amazing, not only because she is an incredible actress and person but because she is a really cool mom. And she’s so strong, like she served in the military. And I also love Adele. But I think I just have so much respect for people that are good at what they do, but also keep that maternal side to them. I feel like nowadays there is a lot pressure for women to succeed in their careers; but a woman can still be a woman, a mom, a wife, and a friend, and have that softness, yet also be amazing at her job. And I can see that in those two women, which is something I aspire to be.

V: Oh my goodness I love that. I think it’s important to understand that being strong and weak at the same time is what makes us human, and we should love that about ourselves. Alright, on another note what is your dream job? Is it in engineering or do you have something else in mind? I think it is important for the younger readers that may be going into college to know that your major and your career don’t always have to be the same thing.

SOPHIA: So, I’m still trying to figure it out. I’m definitely getting more ideas as I talk to other people and explore more. But at some point I want to go back to school and explore computer science more. I’d love to get a master’s degree in that. But a dream job would be a place where I can continue to learn and expand myself. I really love learning and talking to people, even though there is an idea that engineers are not as sociable, I’d love to combine those things and maybe manage people at some point. I just want to see where those passions take me, even though I’m not exactly sure yet.

V: And that is very important- I want any reader on here to realize that nobody has it all figured out. Okay onto the next question. In two to three sentences: What advice would you give the girls reading this?

SOPHIA: I would say the most important advice I could give anyone, is that there is always going to be another day. Even if what you are going through right now feels like it is going to be the end of you, just remember there is going to be another day and you will have another chance. Everything has a way of smoothing itself out. Another thing I would say is that it’s okay to feel emotions, like fear, but don’t ever let that stop you. Because at first I was so scared of being an engineer but now I’m here. And another important point is that whatever emotion you are feeling right now, another girl has felt it. No matter what you are feeling, just keep trying and even if you fail, remember that failure is a lesson.

V: That’s very inspiring. I hope people take what you say literally because it is a very hopeful message. Okay to start wrapping things up because for those of you who don’t know, I’m typing out this whole thing word for word, what is your spirit animal and why?

SOPHIA: At first I thought of something that could fly because I love flying, but I actually don’t like birds that much. And I wanted to be pretty like a butterfly and strong like a hawk, so I thought of a pegasus because they are both pretty and strong. But if we are not doing mythical creatures, then I would say a snow tiger. I just love their strength and beauty, but also how they are really good moms. They know how to protect and attack but also be very nurturing. I just don’t want to negate the fact that women and men are not the same, and that is just fine. Yes we can do anything and be engineers or police officers or politicians, but we don’t have to try to mask the idea that we are also caring and nurturing. That’s an important side of us. And that is why I would choose a snow tiger!

V: Haha I love it! For all you reading this- remember that feelings are not an expression of weakness. Anyways, thank you, Sophia, for your time and for the readers make sure to check out Sophia’s post on instagram @FemalesofFiladelphia. Thank you all and have a lovely day 🙂 -V